‘Granola Kid’ uses the power of oats to achieve his dreams

by Zamaan Jivraj

I had my first TV Interview that was aired & published on November 9, 2021. Special thanks to My family & I had a lot of fun!


Thanks to Global News, The Granola Kid story received national coverage. Supporters from across Canada started to send inquires & ordering my granola - I was so exciting. Orders from Nova Scotia, Quebec, Ontario, Saskatchewan, Manitoba, Alberta and my home province of BC. Some customers even donated to the Down Syndrome Resource Foundation. The online store became so busy we even had to stop accepting orders. Here are the stats:

Total orders to fulfill - 170

Total granola bags to be produced - 458

Total donations to DSRF - $500.00

With the support of my family, I am all caught up and ready to reopen for business.

Most customers have received their special shipments. Some have even subscribed to receive replenishment orders every 30 days. Customers have taken time to write product reviews or shared social media mentions - check them out!

Thank you to all my customers - I am truly grateful ❤️🙏🏽


The Granola Kid